Welcome to smokefreeMEN.com

We are a team of researchers and community partners who care about supporting men to live healthy and smokefree lives. We create new game-changing approaches to quitting smoking.

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From the projects tab, check out the publications on each project page for the research behind Smokefree Men.

Dads in Gear (DIG) is a unique program for expectant & new dads who want to reduce and quit smoking.

Developed from the inspiration, insight and imagination of men who want to quit smoking.

Dr. John L. Oliffe

Dr. Oliffe is a professor in the School of Nursing at the University of British Columbia.

We would love to hear your thoughts and ideas. Please contact us with your story and your feedback.

Dr. Joan L. Bottorff

Dr. Bottorff is director of the Institute for Healthy Living and Chronic Disease Prevention and a professor in the School of Nursing at UBC.