Quitting Smoking Among Lung Cancer Families
This project explored the attitudes and perceptions of relatives who continue to smoke after a lung cancer diagnosis in their family. An outcome of this research was the development of the booklet, The Right Time… The Right Reasons, to help motivate family members to reduce and quit smoking. The gender-specific booklets were pilot tested with women and men who had lost a family member to lung cancer and revised based on their feedback and suggestions. The booklets are unique in their messaging and design, relying on the caring and willingness of individuals to build strong and healthy families.
Project Team
Joan Bottorff, Carole Robinson, Gayl Sarbit, Iris Torchalla, Raquel Graham, Mary Kelly, Michelle Smith, Kelli Sullivan
Bottorff, J. L., Robinson, C. A., Sarbit, G., Graham, R. B., Kelly, M. T., & Torchalla, I. (2015). A motivational, gender-sensitive smoking cessation resource for family members of people with lung cancer. Oncology Nursing Forum.
Robinson, C. A., Bottorff, J. L., & Torchalla, I. (2011). Exploring family relationships: Directions for smoking cessation. In E.K. Svavarsdottir and H. Jonsdottir, (eds.), Family nursing
in action (pp. 137-159). Reykjavik, Iceland: University of Iceland Press.
Robinson, C. A., Bottorff, J. L., Smith, M., & Sullivan, K. (2010). “Just because you’ve got lung cancer, doesn’t mean I will.” Lung cancer, smoking and family dynamics. Journal of Family Nursing, 16(3), 282-301.
Bottorff, J. L., Robinson, C. A., Sullivan, K. M., & Smith, M. L. (2009). Continued family smoking after lung cancer diagnosis: The patient’s perspective. Oncology Nursing Forum, 36(3), E126-E132. doi:10.1188/09.ONF.E126-E132
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